Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Random Act of Kindness #83972

I don't sit in the emergency exit on airplanes.

I should, because that window seat has the most legroom, barring there's no seat in front. But I push aside my selfish tendencies for the rest of the 180 passengers on the plane, and take another window seat.

Why is this a random act of kindness?

Because I sleep on flights. I sleep on a flight like a bear hibernates. Does Southwest still serve peanuts? No clue. Haven't gotten a bag in years. For all I know drinks aren't allowed. I'm talking I zonk out before 3/4 of the passengers are even on the plane, and I don't wake up till the plane taxis in.

I sleep through all weather announcements.
I sleep through the safety pow-wow (although I have stayed awake long enough on one flight to know that you have to manually inflate your own life vest.)
I sleep through the raising and lowering of landing gear.

Its the last one that scares me the most. Who the fuck sleeps through landing gear? Apparently me.

So Sunday night I get on the plane and immediately start sleeping. I wake up, and boy am I surprised that there is someone in the middle seat. I look around and its a completely packed flight. Then I look out the window, and we're on the runway. I'm thinking, 'shit-slept through the whole flight AGAIN.' I take off my seatbelt, and the lady next to me is looking at me weirdly. Oh. Seems we never took off. We're just camped out on the LAS runway. Hee hee.

I go back to sleep.

Wake up.
Look out the window.
Still see runway.
Turn to the lady and say, 'humm...we're still in Vegas?' 'Nope. Now we're in Los Angeles.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.