Tuesday, April 22, 2008

There's a Disease With My Name on It

As part of the process of getting myself ready for b school, I have to show proof of immunization. I have no clue how to read the immunization form. There's numbers and subscripts all over the chart that I can't decipher. The bad thing is that the numbers are 0, 1, 2, and 3. Really, it doesn't go higher than that. Looking at my past immunization history (which is disjointed and a bit on the chaotic side, with part of it in Chinese), it seems that some doctor or clinic missed something along the way.

The first shot I needed was TD. Or DT. Whatever. Its the tetanus-diphtheria shot. No biggie since it only runs for 10 years and the last shot I got was back in 1992. I'm ok with that. But...I needed 2 measles, 2 mumps, and 1 rubella shot, or two MMRs-which is the wicked trifecta. Somehow, I am missing one mumps shot. I have no idea how that one happened, since the shots are usually given together. According to the clinic, most people get their first MMR shot after their first birthday, and then another one basically whenever. I have the 'whenever' one back in 1992, but I don't have the one after my first birthday. How my undergraduate school (UT) and my law school (Santa Clara) accepted me without one of the shots is beyond me. Oh wait. Measles, mumps, and rubella aren't all that prevalent in the United States.

Will someone please tell my b school that? The MMR shot alone costs $125. The tetanus shot $50. And then an administrative fee of $25 (folding one sheet of paper in half and writing my name on it with the two shots I received). All together? $200 bucks. The MMR vaccine is what they call a 'live' vaccine. Which means that a few days after my shot I should expect to be a bit sick. 200 fucking dollars. And I could probably go to some third world country and get a dose of MMR just by breathing the air.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Story

Work knows I will bid them farewell in a month or so. They've known from the get go that I applied to b school. The other day I got a request from someone in marketing for my 'bio' to put on an RFP (request for production). There's a million things in the world I would rather do (stab my eyes with an ice pick) than write about myself. So I emailed my coworker back and told her that I'm leaving in a few weeks, so I'd rather not do one.

She emailed me back saying that the RFP is for April 2008, so I kinda can't get out of writing one.

Fabulous. However, I did see the bios of other coworkers. The difference is that I have not been working for a long enough time. Everyone else has put in 5 years here, 10 years there, blah blah blah. Me? I've been in compliance for under 3 years.

Here's what I got so far:

"Legalmisfit is the Compliance Associate for XYZ and likes meat on a stick."

Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh What an Experience!

This past weekend was Experience Weekend at UNC. Basically its a time to check out the school, the potential classmates, the professors and much more. Its also a time for the school to woo any students on the fence about attending.

Although the weather was utter crap and my brain was functioning at 8%, I had a blast and fell in love with UNC. Its a fantastic institution, and my classmates are fun, smart, and overall great people. I can see myself spending the next two years here and loving it.

Even watching UNC get clobbered in the Final Four was fun. It was brutal, and I have never heard the crowd go so crazy when UNC was behind by 12 points, but hey, it was fun.

My flight out to RDU stopped in Phoenix. I was hungry enough (and smart enough) to get off the plane and hunt for food (the Phoenix to RDU route was 5 hours). I wasn't smart enough to put away my ID and...duh--there it goes. I spazzed for about a good hour until I realized that because I never clean out my wallet, I had my expired driver's license. Score!!!

My hotel was just a hotel. Ok-it wasn't anything fabulous, but for the price, it was good. I went downstairs to the lobby and reported that I had no hair dryer in my room. And yes, I looked in the bathroom, the closet area, and all dresser drawers. Couldn't find it. Later that night, I realized it was one of those that are built into the bathroom wall. 1.5 feet from where I applied make up. Maybe my brain was actually functioning at 3.5% instead of 8.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Different Kind of Prosperous

There are plenty of people out there that think I'm going to be rich. One day. I don't agree or disagree. I will say that I'm nearly 30, own a 5 year old car, own a ton of stuffed animals. What I don't own is a home. Maybe I'm on the road less traveled to my millions...

Sometimes fortune cookies give great fortunes (You are well liked by many people). Sometimes I get command cookies (Make your bed every morning). And other times, they're just shit fortunes all the way around. Two days ago my fortune read, "Your wealth will be great health."

Like I said, sometimes its just shit fortunes all the way around. I have to admit, I'd rather be 'wealthy' with evidence of a fatty bank account (or offshore Swiss bank account), and not by simply...still being alive. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and probably a whole host of other bad things (I'm too lazy to sit there and read every item on the list at the doc's office so in one fell swoop its all 'N/A'). These are my health problems and I am ok with it. Part of it is my diet. Part of it is genes, but I accept that. What I can't accept is being broke the rest of my life.

Needless to say I didn't eat the fortune cookie. That's the only way I know to reject it.