Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Job Fair Ka-put

One of the millions of reasons I loved childhood was the boundless opportunities life presented. It was the time where I could declare myself to be an astronaut on Monday, a doctor on Tuesday, a scientist on Wednesday, a ballerina on Thursday (sans my non-lithe figure), and a circus clown on Friday. Life was chalk full of opportunities.

The downside to growing up is the realization that not everything is possible, and as you progress through life, you're suppose to narrow your career choices down. In other words, focus on one career path. Basically dashed dreams. Right now my title is Compliance Associate (as you can probably deduce, it wasn't any of my Monday-Friday career paths either). There's no way to describe it in plain English so I'm not going to bother trying. I've batted around the idea of working at a bookstore or Starbucks if I'm ever in the situation where money is not an issue (just to point out my lack of progress, from the day I got my first job to the present, money has always been an issue).

I'm old enough to know that I have to actually do something to become rich, but young enough to believe that the way to go about that goal is by playing the lottery. J-Unit sent me a link to a Starbucks game, 'Be the Barista!'

(for some reason I can't get my links to work)

Its a time game where you have to make various drinks. Its suppose to highlight the hundreds of variations to a Starbucks drink, but in all honesty, it highlights my inadequacy and lack of coffee knowledge. Its a damn good thing I'm nowhere near winning to lottery. I got 1 out of 8 drinks correct. So far I've played this game 5 times.

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