Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Countdown Begins

Man. You'd think that after what my Bf said about me in my last post, he'd tread cautiously.


Since I've entered her life, Jessie's been in heaven. Although she's not allowed, Jessie snoozes on the couch. We know this b/c there's dog hair on the couch. Hummm...wonder how that got there. But when I'm around, she gets on the couch. Even though Bf doesn't allow it. I do, because its easier to pet her when we're both on the couch versus me on the couch and her laying down. It puts a crick in my neck.

The bed is also off limits. She gets away with it every once in a while with me, but Bf's not fond of it. Something about how she needs boundaries, and they're all disappearing now that I've arrived. Whatever-I tend to tune him out after that.

Oh hell, ever since I started spending the night, Jessie's been upstairs in our room. Bf used to leave her downstairs and put the kiddy gate at the foot of the stairs so she couldn't get up. Hence why she would sleep on the couch and then get off when she heard him coming down. But now he's moved her cushion and blanket into his bedroom and she sleeps there everynight. Even nights I'm not there. See how I'm slowly but surely changing him? HAHA!!

She's gone to the bathroom inside the house, and Bf gets really mad. She's trained to not do that, but you know...shit happens. Literally. We're really good at letting her out before we head upstairs, but the other night we forgot. Oops. So she did her thing right outside his closet door.

Bf woke up because Jessie was acting crazy, saw what she did, and had to clean it up ASAP. Then he took her downstairs, put her in her crate, and started stuying in the kitchen, but supposedly Jessie was whining so loudly that Bf was afraid it would wake up, so he let her out.

I slept through it all. I slept through her acting crazy, through Bf turning on the closet light and cleaning up her mess, through her whining downstairs. But that's not the point.

I mentioned how I was surprised that I slept through everything. I'm not a light sleeper, but usually noise for a substantial amount of time will wake me up. And what did my loving and caring Bf say?

"Yeah, you were totally out. And there was some weird noises. I wasn't sure if it was you or Jessie farting."

Anybody see D-Day coming?

1 comment:

Becs said...

Ok, the boyfriend seriously needs some help. He is completely lost on how you are supposed to treat a girl. Geeze.